About AI Text Summarization

Epiq Discovery's AI Text Summarization feature harnesses the power of AI to provide teams with immediate insights that can streamline and assist decision-making. Using AI Text Summarization, you can summarize a document on the fly by specifying the type of information needed, such as key points or a paragraph and the length of the summary. This feature is currently available for US and UK customers.

Documents you summarize must contain an Extracted Text format, created during Epiq Discovery’s Processing module. To summarize, the extracted text must contain a minimum of 1,000 characters. You can summarize up to a maximum of 450KB or approximately 450,000 characters per document (roughly 150 pages). If the document size does not meet these requirements, it is skipped. Your System Administrator at Epiq provides access to the AI Text Summarization feature.

In addition to creating on the fly summaries, you can select a set of documents and then use the Summarize Document Action to summarize them in bulk. Use the bulk summary feature to significantly reduce the time and effort needed to support lengthy documents during Review. For example, a Review Manager could select large documents in a review set and bulk summarize them. This feature can save time and expense by providing Reviewers with summarized information that they can digest, understand, and tag documents with more efficiency.

In Document Actions, if Summarize displays a lock, it is not enabled. To enable this feature, which is billable, contact your Epiq Discovery Administrator.

AI Summary Guidance

The AI Text Summarization is designed to provide a high-level overview of the key points and essential information within a document’s extracted text. However, it is important to understand the best practices for using this AI feature.

This form of AI works best when summarizing the following types of information: long documents with a clear structure and logical flow with informative or explanatory text. Similarly, this AI feature can be less helpful when summarizing disorganized, unstructured, or unfocused documents.

In addition, take care when summarizing documents with tabular content. In general, AI can lose some context due to possible misinterpretation of the formatting and structure present in tables, grids, or other tabular data.

In Document Actions, if displays a lock, it is not enabled. To enable this feature, which is billable, contact your Epiq Discovery Administrator.

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